Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thing 22: What Did I Learn Today?:

It is important to keep on top of ever-changing technology and for some of we "older folk" it isn't always easy! Learning the new tools was a real challenge! But I do plan to incorporate these tools, and what I've learned, into library services and for my own personal use.

It IS fun to know about and use these tools. A few I was familiar with and some not so familiar. But the more I use them, the easier it will be to make them work for me. Some of these tools I will have need for and some not so much but I now am aware of them. And now, perhaps, I won't be so intimidated to learn something new!

I also need to become more aware of our patrons needs and, I'm certain, I can make good use of 23 Things on a Stick.

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